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2395128600 | Vent Kit with Solid Tubes for RG2DV50H | Bradford White
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Vent Kit for Bradford White RG2DV50H Water Heater
Bradford White's Vent Kit with Solid Tubes is an essential accessory for the RG2DV50H gas water heater. It ensures proper ventilation of combustion gases and protects the appliance from potential damage caused by improper venting.
Key Features
* Designed specifically for the Bradford White RG2DV50H water heater
* Solid tubes provide secure and efficient passage of combustion gases
* Durable construction for long-lasting performance in demanding environments
* Meets all applicable safety and building codes
* Venting of the Bradford White RG2DV50H water heater
* Residential and commercial gas water heating systems
* Ensures safe and efficient ventilation of combustion gases
* Protects the water heater from damage
* Complies with safety and building regulations
Technical Specifications
SKU: 2395128600
Brand: Bradford White
Compatible Water Heater Model: RG2DV50H
Tube Material: Solid
Weight: 20 lbs
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Vent Kit with Solid Tubes for RG2DV50H
Item Number | 2395128600 |
Brand | Bradford White |
Collection | Water Heater Parts |
Product Type | With Solid Tubes for RG2DV50H |
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