Safety Switches & Accessories: Reliable Protection & Control
All Manufacturers

- 10C403
- 10C437
- 10C438
- 97% Modulating Multi Position 33IN Natural Gas Furnaces
- All DL Series
- All G8C
- Auto-Draft Inducers
- B2HN 36-60; D1CG 72; D1HG 48-60;D2CG 72; D6CG 36-60; D7CG 36-60
- Central Air
- Coleman Furnace
- Coleman and Evcon Equipment
- ES2 X-2 CGE AG
- FRHS 018-042
- For HVACR Equipment
- Furnace
- G124X Boilers
- GV 3 Series Boilers
- HE/VHE Series
- HVACR Equipment
- Independence Series Boilers
- L8148E1299
- Low Water Cut Offs Water Feeder
- Low Water Cut Offs; Steam Boilers
- Model MIITW 50/65/75 Gas Water Heater
- Natural Gas Furnace
- Plus 30/40/60/80
- Power or Pilot Duty; Vending Machines; Appliances; Fan Controls; Heating and Air Conditioning
- SS1-R Side Wall Vent Systems
- Spirit Models
- T50M/80M/140M/199M/399M
- WHKE Millivolt Interlock Kit
- Water Heater
- 105 Open 120 Close
- 110/90 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 120/100 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 120/240 Volt
- 120/240V
- 130/100 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 140/100 Open/Close
- 140/110 Open/Close
- 140/110 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 145 Open 105 Close
- 145/115 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 150 Open 120 Close
- 150 Open Manual Reset
- 150/110 Open/Close
- 150/120 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 155/125 Open/Close
- 160 Open Manual Reset
- 160/120 Open/Close
- 160/130 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 160/140 Open/Close Auto
- 165 Open 135 Close Auto Reset
- 165/135 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 170 Open Manual Close
- 170/120 Open/Close
- 170/140 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 175/145 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 180/150 Open/Close
- 180/150 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 180DEG F
- 185 Open 155 Close Auto Reset
- 185/155 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 195/165 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 200/170 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 200DEG F Switch; Manual Reset
- 215/185 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 220 Open 190 Close Auto Reset
- 225 Open 145 Close
- 225/145 Open/Close
- 230/200 Open/Close Auto Reset
- 255 Auto Reset
- 270 Open Manual Reset
- 280 Open 250 Close
- 300 Open Manual Close
- 300/220 Open/Close
- 90 Open 110 Close
- Manual Reset
- Mounted on Blower
- Open on Rise
- Open on Temperature Rise
- 100108688
- 100109962
- 100517-01
- 10C188
- 10C213
- 10C214
- 10C382
- 2392208900
- 2394472304
- 27067
- 3250 Plus
- 350103
- 350124
- 350261
- 350473
- 350485
- 350495
- 350817
- 350891
- 350989
- 351012
- 351013
- 351017
- 351018
- 351023
- 351024
- 52259-001U
- 52259-002U
- 5H0794410009
- 65118678
- 7250P-081
- 7250P-096
- 7250P-147
- 7250P-150
- 7600P-007
- 7600P-502
- 7855P-262
- 80160737
- AOPS7218
- -0.15IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- -0.50IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- -0.67IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- .05-12IN Water Column
- .85IN Water Column
- .90IN Water Column
- 0.10IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.15/0.35IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.15IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.15inWC
- 0.20/0.35IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.20/0.40IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.20IN Water Column
- 0.20IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.25/0.40IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.30IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.35/0.65IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.35/0.90IN Deact Normally Open
- 0.40/0.90IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.40IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.45/0.85IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.45IN Water Column
- 0.45IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.50IN Water Column
- 0.50IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.53IN Water Column
- 0.54IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.55/1.20IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.55/1.30IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.60/0.20IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.60/1.05IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.60IN Water Column
- 0.60IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.63IN Water Column
- 0.65IN Water Column
- 0.65IN Water Column DUC
- 0.65IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.67IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.70/1.00/0.40IN Deact Normally Open
- 0.70/1.25IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.75/1.10/0.40IN Deact Normally Open
- 0.75IN Water Column
- 0.75IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.85IN Water Column
- 0.90/1.40/0.40IN Deact Normally Open
- 0.90IN Water Column
- 0.90IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.95IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 0.95x.04IN Water Column
- 1.00IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 1.05/0.40IN Deact Normally Open
- 1.13IN Water Column
- 1.15IN Water Column
- 1.18IN Water Column
- 1.20/0.40 Deact Normally Open
- 1.20IN Water Column
- 1.20IN Water Column Normally Closed
- 1.20IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 1.30IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 1.45IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 1.4IN Water Column
- 1.50IN Water Column
- 1.60/0.40 Deact Normally Open
- 1.60IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 1.70IN Water Column On Fall Single Pole Normally Open
- 1/2PSI
- 175 Open 95 Close
- 1IN Water Column
- 250PSIG
- 3 to 30PSI
- 400/300 Open/ClosePSIG
- 5 to 25PSI
- 5 to 30PSI
- 5 to 45PSI
- 5 to 50PSI
- 5 to 60PSI
- 5 to 80PSI
- 650 Open/450 ClosePSIG
- 650/450 Open/ClosePSIG
- 650/450PSIG
- 7 to 80PSI
- 7/22PSIG
- High
- Low
- Minimum
- 0.90 TM9E100 and 120
- 1.10IN Water Column On Fall TM9E060
- 2 Level High Pressure
- 208/230V
- 220F Manual Reset Blocked Vent
- 300F Manual Reset Blocked Vent
- 60AMP Fused Single Phase
- 60AMP Non-Fused Single Phase
- A/R 150F Open/110F Close
- A/R 180F Open/150F Close
- Adapter
- Adjustable
- Air
- Air Differential
- Air Differential SPDT Compression Fitting 0.05 to 12IN WC
- Air Differential SPDT Knife Edge Fitting .30 to 12.0IN WC
- Air Flow Normally Open 0.15
- Air For Model GEN I/GEN II
- Air Negative
- Air Normally Open
- Air Pressure for 100-140K BTU Models
- Air S1-02425006704
- Air S1-02425808702
- Air S1-02435778000
- Airflow
- Ambient
- Antunes High Gas
- Antunes Low Gas
- Aquastat 100-240DEG F Manual Reset Less Well
- Aquastat High Limit for Burnham Series 8H Boiler L4080B1212
- Auto
- Auto Reset 160F Trip
- Auxiliary
- Auxiliary 15-25 Ton Rooftop Unit
- Auxiliary 3-6 Ton Rooftop Unit
- Auxiliary 7-12 Ton Rooftop Unit
- B/W Heater
- Block Temperature
- Blocked Drain
- Blocked Prover 0.46IN Water Column
- Blocked Vent
- Blower Prover -0.75IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 0.45IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 0.50IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 0.75IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 1.00IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 2.50IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 4.5IN Water Column
- Blower Prover 5.9IN Water Column
- Boiler
- Bulk Pack
- Burner Timer
- CC Blower Prover FV II
- Combination High/Low
- Condensate Blockage Pressure Switch
- Constant Volume
- Control
- Control Air
- Control High Refrigeration
- Control Refrigeration
- Control Rollout
- Control Rollout SPST
- Cutoff
- Cutoff with Manual Reset
- Differential
- Differential SPDT
- Door
- Drain Inducer
- Dual Air
- Dual Gas Control
- Dual Surface Mount
- Ducane
- Ducane Switch
- Dwyer A306 Sensor
- Electric Replacement
- Electric with Manual Reset
- Exhaust Pressure
- Exhaust for EF60T125/150/199
- Fan 6 Terminal DPST
- Fan 85F Open/105F Close
- Fan Control
- Fan Kit
- Fan Timer
- Fan Timer Control Board
- Flame
- For 61/64/67/69/70/764/767
- For Combi Aspen
- For Combi K2WTC
- For HDB60/HDC60
- For Inducer
- For M2TW50T/65T
- For MITW40LLNCX-10
- For MITW40S/50S
- Fully Insulated
- Fully Insulated 100PK
- Fully Insulated 12PK
- Fully Insulated 25PK
- Furnace Door
- Fused 30A with Top Open 240V
- Fused 30AMP 120/240V with Intermediate Surge Protection
- Fused 30AMP 240V
- Fused 60AMP 120/240V with Intermediate Surge Protection
- Fused 60AMP 240V
- Gas
- General Purpose Liquid SPDT
- General Purpose SPDT with NEMA-1 Enclosure
- General Purpose SPDT with NEMA-4 Enclosure
- Green Label
- High
- High Altitude Kit S1-1PS0309
- High Auto SA-160HLS-A
- High Bulb Well
- High ECO
- High HW 100111987
- High HW 100111988
- High Limit
- High Limit with Auto Reset
- High Sensitivity Liquid SPDT
- High Stud Mount
- High Surface Mount
- High Temperature
- High Thermostat with Stainless Steel Well
- High with Manual Reset
- Humidity JCI
- Igniter Sensor Electronic LEC PENN Y75AA-3D
- Immersion
- Insulated
- Insulated 100PK
- Insulated 20PK
- Integrated
- Kit for Hydrolevel 48-140
- Klixon L180-4
- Klixon L190-4
- L140-4
- L150-4
- L170-4
- L260F Manual Reset Blocked Vent
- Limit Control
- Limit Manual Reset
- Limit S1-02526366003
- Limit SPDT
- Liquid with Test Feature
- Low
- Low 120 Volt
- Low Ambient with Switch
- Low Refrigeration
- Low Strap-On New Style
- Low Water Cut Off Controller Less Switch
- Lower
- MR170
- Main
- Manual Reset
- Manual Reset 176F Trip
- Manual Reset with Bracket
- Mark II
- Motor Door Universal
- Motor Protector with Terminal Board
- No Heater Switch
- Non Fused Pullout
- Non-Fused 60AMP 240V
- Non-Insulated
- Old Style External J Box Mount
- On/Off
- Open 30DEG F
- Overheat Eco
- Pan Overflow
- Plus Residential
- Potentiometer Automatic Reset
- Pressure Switch
- Prover 100110729
- Redundant Limit
- Refrigerant
- Repair Kit
- Replacement for 21 Series
- Replacement with Manual Reset
- Rollout
- S1-02632119001
- SL8-5
- SL8-5A
- SPDT 0.52IN Water Column
- SPST 0.40IN Water Column
- SPST 0.80IN Water Column
- SPST 0.8IN Water Column
- SPST 0.99IN Water Column
- SPST Close on Rise
- SPST Fuse Auto
- SPST Proving
- Secondary
- Spill 24V with Manual Reset
- Spill with Reset
- Suction
- Switch Conversion Kit
- Switch DPDT 2 Pole 50/60 Hertz
- TTW-12 for MITW
- TW50/75
- Temperature
- Temperature Blower
- Temperature Control
- Temperature Control SPST
- Temperature ECO Limit
- Temperature ECO-12 Series
- Thermo High Manual Reset
- Thermo for Burner Door BNTH500 with CSD-1
- Thermodisc Flue ECO
- Timing Switch
- Toggle with Bracket DPST
- Upper
- Vent Blocked 200DEG F Setpoint
- Vent Blocked Manual Reset
- Water
- Water Heater Blower
- Water Hex Tee
- Water with Blue Dot
- Water with Gasket
- With Bracket DPST
- With Engagement/Overflow Switch
- With Limit
- With Screw
- Xylem PSE801 with Harness and Probe
- with Sensing Tube
- 0 Open 15 Close
- 140 Open 100 Close Auto Reset
- 140 Open 110 Close
- 140 Open Manual Close
- 145 Open 105 Close
- 150 Open 110 Close Auto Reset
- 150 Open 120 Close
- 160 Open 130 Close
- 170 Open 110 Close
- 190 Open Manual Close
- 195 Open 130 Close
- 210 Open 180 Close
- 22 Open 37 Close
- 220 Open Manual Close
- 26 Open 38 Close
- 370 Open Manual Close
- 55 Open/45 Close
- 60 Open 70 Close
- 65 Open 75 Close
- 70 Open 80 Close; SPST
- 1 Stage Natural Gas Furnace
- 105-138 Bod; 069-154 Bol; 072-154 Bom
- 2 Stage Natural Gas Furnace
- 2 Stage Variable Speed Upflow High Efficiency Natural Gas Furnaces
- 2CE; 2MH; 2HE Electric Heat Kits
- 2D; 4D; 4R; 6R; 4D; 6D Compressor
- 431FA/263FA/431WTA
- 7624/7665/7670/7680/7708/7710/7724
- 7956; 7966; 7975; 7995
- 80M/140M/199M
- AGU (050-100) BGM (050-150) G8C (100-150) GUA (050-100) GUB (050-100) L8C (1000-125)
- ALP080-210 Boilers
- All Models
- Alpine 80-105
- Aspen
- CGU 045-095; DGU 045-095
- CGi-2.5-3-4 Series 1
- CH/NCB Model
- CLQS1-100T
- CLQSQ-075
- CMA1-50/CMA3-50/CMC1-50
- CMA2-75/CMA3-75/CMC1-75
- Coleman and Evcon Equipment
- Condenser Fan Motors Electrical Box
- Condensing Upflow Natural Gas Furnaces
- DAYA-F018N045C; DAYA-F024N045C
- DAYA-F048N135C; DAYH-F060N110C
- DF072 6TON R-22 Medium Efficiency
- DGAA 056-090; DGAH 056;077; DGAM 056;077; DGAT 056-090; DGPA 090; DGPH 090; DLAS 056;075
- DGAA 056; 070
- DGAD 060; DGU 060-120; FG9B 060-080; GUD 060-120; G9T Downflow 060-120; FG9D 100-120; P2DRB 12; P2URD 10-20; P3DHB 12-20; P3URB 10-12
- DGAM 056-075
- DGAT; DLAS Gas Furnace Igniters
- Downflow/Horizontal Gas Furnaces
- Downflow/Horizontal Gas Furnaces-90%
- E/Q Series
- E110CN/CP E75CN/CP
- E50C
- EZ Gas Burner
- EZ Gas Burner Pro Series
- Electric Heat Kits
- Elite Boilers
- Elite FT
- Freedom and CHG Series Boilers
- GA124/17
- GA124/23
- GA244/37
- GA244/44
- GB142 Series
- GMD1 Gas Furnace
- GV
- GV90+
- Gas Control
- Gas Fired Boilers
- HD75
- HE-Series 3 HE-II Series 3-4-5
- HE-Series 3 HE-II Series 3-5
- HSJ; UC1; HSUL-J ; HST-J; HS115-J; HS1; HSUL-1; HST-1; HS115-1; Side Wall Power Venters
- HVACR Equipment
- HW Series Boilers
- Heating Applications
- K2WT-180B 180WTC
- K2WT80-180B
- MC50/80/99/120
- MFTCW140
- Model BTH; SUF Series 970 Commercial
- Model EF60T125 E/N/X 2/EF60T125 E/NA/XA 2
- Model SSB
- Modulating Multi-Position Natural Gas Furnaces
- Multilevel Control
- Natural Gas Furnace
- OMC Oil
- OMD Oil
- OME Oil Furnace
- PBLU Upflow Natural Gas Furnaces
- PD150/175/300/350/BD150/175/300/350
- PD250/30/50/BD50/250
- Pennant / Mighty Therm II
- Pennant Pool Heater
- Range Hood Universal Automatic
- Refrigeration
- SS2; SS2G Side Wall Vent Systems
- SSB-512
- SSB85-SSB160
- Series 61/64/67/69/70
- Series 93; 193; 94 and 194 Combination Low Water Cut-Offs/Pump Controllers
- Series Greentherm
- T50M/80M/140M/199M/399M/MC
- TTW1-10's
- Thermostats
- VHE Series 2
- WGO Series
- Water
- YPC9
Explore Our Safety Switch & Accessory Categories
Safety Switches: Protect your equipment and personnel with reliable safety switches designed to interrupt electrical circuits in case of faults or overloads. We offer fusible, non-fusible, and maintained switches in a variety of sizes and configurations.
Disconnect Boxes: Ensure safe and convenient disconnection of electrical circuits with our range of disconnect boxes. These boxes provide a secure and accessible point to isolate power to equipment for maintenance or repair.
Quick Disconnect Connectors: Quickly and easily connect and disconnect electrical circuits with our selection of quick disconnect connectors. These connectors offer a safe and convenient way to manage electrical connections in demanding environments.
Pressure Switches: Monitor and control pressure in your systems with our selection of pressure switches. These switches are designed to activate or deactivate circuits based on pressure levels, providing safety and efficient system operation.
Flow Switches: Monitor and control fluid flow in your systems with reliable flow switches. These switches activate or deactivate circuits based on fluid flow rates, ensuring proper operation and preventing system issues.
Limit Switches: Protect your equipment from damage by using limit switches. These switches are designed to stop or limit the movement of equipment based on pre-determined positions or limits, ensuring safe operation.
Why Choose Safety Switches & Accessories from Midwest Supply?
Trusted Brands: We offer safety switches and accessories from top brands known for their quality, reliability, and safety.
Wide Selection: Browse our extensive selection to find the perfect safety switches and accessories for your specific needs.
Competitive Pricing: Get the best value for your investment with our competitive pricing on all safety switches and accessories.
Fast Shipping: Receive your orders quickly and efficiently with our fast shipping options.
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Enhance the safety and reliability of your equipment with our selection of safety switches and accessories. Browse our selection online or contact our team for expert assistance!
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