plastic plumbing fittings

- 12" Travel with EPDM O-rings
- EPDM Saddle x Soc (Spigot) SS316 Bolts
- EPDM with Stainless Steel Cutter & Bolts
- Elastomer Gasket
- FIpt
- FKM Saddle x Socket (Spigot) Zinc Plated Bolts
- Fipt x Fipt
- Fipt x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Fits all Spears® Compression Fittings
- For Removal of GripLoc™ Fittings
- For Spears® flanges with Glass Filled PVC Rings
- For Spears® flanges with regular PVC Rings
- Gasket x Gasket
- Socket x Fipt
- Socket x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x SR Fipt - Stinless Steel Collar
- Socket x Socket
- Spigot
- With EPDM O-ring Seal
- with Buna-N O-ring Seal & S S Hardware
- with Buna-N O-ring Seal & SS Hardware
- with Buna-N O-ring Seal & Zinc Plated Hardware
- with Buna-N O-ring Seal & Zinc-Plated Hardware
- with EPDM O-ring & Seall & SS Hardware
- with EPDM O-ring Seal & SS Hardware
- with EPDM O-ring Seal & Zinc-Plated Hardware
- with FKM O-ring Seal & SS Hardware
- with FKM O-ring Seal & Zinc-Plated Hardware
- 11-1/4° Ell
- 120° Wye 2"
- 15° Ell
- 22-1/2° Ell
- 22-1/2° Ell - Gray
- 22-1/2° Street Ell
- 30° Ell
- 45° Ell
- 45° Ell - Black
- 45° Ell - Clear
- 45° Ell - Gray
- 45° Ell - PVC Beige UVR
- 45° Ell - Special Reinforced
- 45° Street Ell
- 45° Street Ell - Black
- 45° Street Ell - Clear
- 60° Ell
- 90° Ell
- 90° Ell - Black
- 90° Ell - Brass Transition
- 90° Ell - Brass Transition Reducing
- 90° Ell - Gray
- 90° Ell - Long Sweep
- 90° Ell - Reducing
- 90° Ell - Reducing - Gray
- 90° Ell - Special Reinforced
- 90° Ell - Special Reinforced Reducing
- 90° Ell - Sweep
- 90° Ell Long Sweep
- 90° Ell Sweep
- 90° Spigot Ell 1-1/2"
- 90° Street Ell
- 90° Street Ell - Black
- 90° Street Ell - Clear
- 90° Street Ell - Gray
- 90° Street Ell - PVC Beige UVR
- Cap
- Cap - Black
- Cap - Clear
- Cap - Gray
- Cap - Special Reinforced
- Clamp-On Saddles
- Compression Coupling
- Compression Male Adapters
- Coupling
- Coupling - Black
- Coupling - Clear
- Coupling - Deep Socket
- Coupling - Eccentric Reducer
- Coupling - Gray
- Coupling - PVC Beige UVR
- Coupling - Reducer
- Coupling - Reducer - Black
- Coupling - Reducer - Gray
- Coupling - Special Reinforced
- Coupling - Special Reinforced Reducer
- Cross
- Cross - Black
- Cross - Gray
- Cross - Reducing
- Double Wye
- Double Wye - Reducing
- Fabricated Repair Coupling
- Female Adapter
- Female Adapter - Black
- Female Adapter - Brass Transition
- Female Adapter - Brass Transition Reducing
- Female Adapter - Clear
- Female Adapter - Encapsulated Special Reinforced
- Female Adapter - Gray
- Female Adapter - PVC Beige UVR
- Female Adapter - Reducing
- Female Adapter - Reducing - Gray
- Female Adapter - Special Reinforced
- Female Adapter - Special Reinforced Reducing
- Female Adapter - Spigot - Gray
- Female Adapter - Stainless Steel Transition
- Female Hose Thread x Insert
- Female Spigot Adapter
- Female Spigot Adapter - Brass Transition
- Female Spigot Adapter - Encapsulated Special Reinforced Spigot
- Female Spigot Adapter - Special Reinforced
- Female Spigot Adapter - Special Reinforced Reducing
- Female Spigot Adapter - Stainless Steel Transition
- Fipt x Insert
- Fitting Extenders Schedule 40
- Flange - Blind
- Flange One Piece
- Flange Replacement Split Rings Glass Filled PVC
- Flange Replacement Split Rings PVC
- Flange Van Stone Style -PIP
- Flange Van Stone Style with Glass Filled PVC Ring
- Flange Van Stone Style with PN/10/16 Drilling PVC Ring*
- Flange Van Stone Style with Table D&E Drilling PVC Ring*
- Grated Coupling 2" Sch 40
- GripLoc™ Cap
- GripLoc™ Compression Adapters
- GripLoc™ Compression Coupling
- GripLoc™ Coupling
- GripLoc™ Tool
- Grooved Coupling Adapter
- HDPE 90° Street Ell
- HDPE Reducing 90° Street Ell
- Hot-Tap Saddle PVC White
- Hot-Tap Saddles
- IPS to PIP Adapter
- IPT Adapter
- Insert
- Insert Adapter (White PVC)
- Insert x Fipt
- Insert x I.P.S. Spigot
- Insert x Insert
- Insert x Insert x Fipt
- Insert x Insert x Insert
- Insert x Insert x Insert x Fipt
- Insert x Insert x Mipt
- Insert x Insert x Socket
- Insert x Insert x Spiral Barb
- Insert x Mipt
- Insert x Socket
- Insert x Spiral Barb
- Instrument Probe Fittings PVC
- MIPT x FIPT (Short Pattern)
- Male Adapter
- Male Adapter - Internal Reinforced
- Male Adapter - PVC Lined Brass Transition
- Male Hose Thread x Insert
- Male Spigot Adapter
- Manifold Tee
- Manifold Tee - O-ring Sealed
- Mipt x Hose ID
- Mipt x Insert
- Mipt x Spiral Barb
- Nesting Union
- Nut Wrenches
- PVC Beige Ultra Violet Resistant (UVR) Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Black Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Clear Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Gray Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC-05 Clear Medium Body PVC Cement
- Pipe Extenders
- Pipe Extenders Class 200
- Pipe Extenders Schedule 40
- Pipe Inside Connectors Schedule 40
- Plug
- Plug - Black
- Plug - Counter Sunk
- Plug - Gray
- Reducer Bushing (T.T.) Flush Style
- Reducer Bushing - Black
- Reducer Bushing - Clear
- Reducer Bushing - Special Reinforced
- Reducer Bushing Flush Style
- Reducer Bushing Flush Style - Gray
- Repair Coupling - Fabricated
- Repair Coupling - Short Spigot x Socket
- Repair Coupling - Socket x Socket
- Repair Coupling - Spigot x Socket
- SR Fipt x Insert
- Saddle
- Short Socket Tees
- Side Outlet Ell
- Smooth Barb Adapter
- Snap-On Saddle
- Socket x SR FIPT with Buna O-ring Seal - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x SR FIPT with EPDM O-ring Seal - Stainless Steel Collar
- Special Reinforced Reducer Bushing Flush Style
- Spigot Tee 2"
- Spiral Barb
- Spiral Barb x Spiral Barb
- Tank Adapters
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Standard with FKM Gaskets
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Standard with Neoprene Gaskets
- Tank Adapters with EPDM Gasket Schedule 40
- Tee
- Tee - Black
- Tee - Brass Transition
- Tee - Brass Transition Reducing
- Tee - Clear
- Tee - Gray
- Tee - PVC Beige UVR
- Tee - Reducing
- Tee - Reducing - Black
- Tee - Reducing - Gray
- Tee - Reducing - PVC Beige UVR
- Tee - Special Reinforced
- Tee - Special Reinforced Reducing
- Tee - Street
- Transition Tee for P.E Hose Laterals
- Union (Old Style) - Fipt/EPDM
- Union (Old Style) - Socket/EPDM
- Union (Old Style) - Socket/Fipt/FKM
- Union (Old Style) - Special Reinforced Fipt/FKM
- Union - Brass FIpt/EPDM
- Union - Brass Fipt/Buna
- Union - FIPT/Buna - Gray
- Union - Fipt/Buna
- Union - Fipt/EPDM
- Union - Fipt/EPDM - Gray
- Union - Socket/Brass Fipt/EPDM
- Union - Socket/Brass Fipt/FKM
- Union - Socket/Buna
- Union - Socket/Buna - Gray
- Union - Socket/EPDM
- Union - Socket/FKM
- Union - Spcial Reinforced Fipt/EPDM
- Union - Special Reinforced Fipt/Buna
- Union - Transition BSP to ASTM/EPDM
- Union - Transition BSP to ASTM/FKM
- Union - Transition DIN to ASTM/EPDM
- Union - Transition DIN to ASTM/FKM
- Union - Transition JIS to ASTM/EPDM
- Union - Transition JIS to ASTM/KFM
- Union 2000 - Fipt/FKM
- Union 2000 - Socket/EPDM
- Union 2000 - Socket/FKM
- Union 2000 - Socket/Fipt/EPDM
- Union 2000 - Socket/Fipt/FKM
- Union 2000 - Socket/Special Reinforced Fipt/FKM
- Union 2000 - Socket/Spigot/EPDM
- Union 2000 - Special Reinforced Fipt/EPDM
- Van Stone Style Flange Replacement Split Rings
- Ventureid Tee Multi Configuration - Socket Style Sch 40
- Venturied Tee Multi Configuration - Socket Style Sch 40
- Wedge Clamp Saddles
- Wye
- Wye - Gray
- Wye - Reducing
- Wyes & Reducing Wyes - Clear
- SR Fipt x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- 1" Socket x 3/4" Socket (1" Spigot) x 3/4" Socket (1" Spigot)
- 1-1/2" Socket (2" Spigot) x 1-1/2" Socket x 3/4" Socket (1" Spigot)
- 45° Ell
- ASTM Socket x DIN PN 10/16 Drilling
- ASTM Socket x Table D&E Drilling
- BSP Thread (in.) x ASTM (in.) Fipt with FKM O-ring Seal
- BSP Thread (in.) x ASTM (in.) Socket with EPDM O-ring Seal
- Brass Mipt x Socket
- Clamp-On Saddle x SR Thread Double Outlet PVC Gray
- Clamp-On Saddle x SR Thread Double Outlet PVC White
- Clamp-On Saddle x SR Thread Single Outlet PVC Gray
- Clamp-On Saddle x SR Thread Single Outlet PVC White
- Clamp-On Saddle x Soc Double Outlet PVC White
- Clamp-On Saddle x Soc SIngle Outlet PVC White
- Clamp-On Saddle x Socket Double Outlet PVC Gray
- Clamp-On Saddle x Socket Single Outlet PVC Gray
- Compression Coupling Nut Wrench Set
- Compression Coupling PVC Gray
- Compression Coupling PVC White
- Compression Male Adapters PVC
- DIN (mm) Socket x ASTM (in.) Fipt with EPDM O-ring Seal
- DIN (mm) Socket x ASTM (in.) Fipt with FKM O-ring Seal
- EPDM Saddle x Socket (Spigot) Zinc Plated Bolts
- EPDM with Stainless Steel Cutter & Bolts
- Elastomer Gasket
- FIPT x FIPT with Buna O-ring Seal
- FIPT x FIPT with EPDM O-ring Seal
- FKM Saddle x Socket (Spigot) SS316 Bolts
- FKM Saddle x Socket (Spigot) Zinc Plated Bolts
- Fipt x Fipt
- Fipt x Fipt with FKM O-ring seal
- Fipt x Fipt x Fipt
- Flange Replacement Split Rings Glass Filled PVC
- Flange Replacement Split Rings PVC
- Flange x PIP Socket
- For Spears® flanges with Glass Filled PVC Rings
- For Spears® flanges with regular PVC Rings
- For Technical Information See Solvent Cements
- Gasket x Gasket
- GripLoc™ Cap
- GripLoc™ Compression Coupling
- GripLoc™ Compression Female Adapter
- GripLoc™ Compression Male Adapter
- GripLoc™ Coupling
- GripLoc™ IPS Size Release Tool
- Groove x Socket
- Hot-Tap Saddle PVC Gray
- Hot-Tap Saddle PVC White
- IPS O.D. x Socket
- Individual Nozzles Only
- Insert x I.P.S Spigot
- Insert x I.P.S Spigot x I.P.S Socket
- Insert x Socket
- JIS (mm) Socket x ASTM (in.) Fipt with EPDM O-ring Seal
- JIS (mm) Socket x ASTM (in.) Socket with EPDM O-ring Seal
- JIS (mm) Socket x ASTM (in.) Socket with FKM O-ring Seal
- MIPT x FIPT (Short Pattern)
- Mipt x Fipt
- Mipt x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Mipt x Socket
- O-ring Sealed MIPT x FIPT x MIPT
- PVC White with EPDM O-ring
- Pipe I.D. Spigot x PIpe I.D. Spigot
- Pipe O.D. Spigot x Pipe I.D Spigot
- Pipe O.D. Spigot x Pipe I.D. Spigot
- R Mipt x Socket - Stainless Steel Sleeve
- Repair Coupling Schedule 40 Fabricated
- SR FIPT - Stainless Steel Collar
- SR FIPT x SR FIPT - Stainless Steel Collar
- SR Fipt x SR Fipt w/EPDM O-ring Seal - Stainless Steel Collar
- SR Fipt x SR Fipt x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket
- Socket (Male Pipe Thread)
- Socket Style Sch 40
- Socket x ESR Fipt
- Socket x FIPT
- Socket x FIPT with Brass Thread Insert & Buna-N O-ring Seal
- Socket x FIPT with Brass Thread Insert & EPDM O-ring Seal
- Socket x FIPT x Socket
- Socket x Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x Fipt With Brass Thread Insert
- Socket x Fipt with EPDM O-ring Seal
- Socket x Fipt with FKM O-ring Seal
- Socket x Insert (.580 I.D.)
- Socket x MIPT
- Socket x MIPT x Socket x MIPT
- Socket x SR FIPT
- Socket x SR FIPT with Buna O-ring Seal - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x SR FIPT with EPDM O-ring Seal - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar x Socket
- Socket x SR Fipt With 316 Stainless Steel Thread Insert
- Socket x SR Fipt w/FKM O-ring Seal - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x Socket
- Socket x Socket with Buna-N O-ring Seal
- Socket x Socket with EPDM O-ring Seal
- Socket x Socket with FKM O-ring Seal
- Socket x Socket x FIPT
- Socket x Socket x Fipt With Brass Thread Insert
- Socket x Socket x SR Fipt - Stainless Steel Collar
- Socket x Socket x Socket
- Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket
- Socket x Spigot with EPDM O-ring Seal
- Spigot
- Spigot (Socket) x Socket O.D.
- Spigot x ESR Fipt
- Spigot x FIPT
- Spigot x Fipt With 316 Stainless Steel Thread Insert
- Spigot x Fipt With Brass Thread Insert
- Spigot x MIPT
- Spigot x SR FIPT - Stainless Steel Collar
- Spigot x Smooth Barb
- Spigot x Socket
- Spigot x Socket x FIPT
- Spigot x Socket x MIPT
- Spigot x Socket x Socket
- Spigot x Spigot Sch 40
- Spigot x Spigot x Spigot Sch 40
- Tank Adapter Gasket Only - EPDM (New Style)
- Tank Adapter Gasket Only - EPDM (Old Style)
- Tank Adapter Gasket Only - FKM (New Style)
- Tank Adapter Gasket Only - Neoprene (New Style)
- Tank Adapter Gasket Only - Neoprene (Old Style)
- Tank Adapter PVC Old Style with EPDM Gasket
- Tank Adapter PVC Old Style with Neoprene Gasket
- Tank Adapter PVC Self Aligning with EPDM Gasket
- Tank Adapter PVC Self Aligning with FKM Gasket
- Tank Adapter PVC Self Aligning with Neoprene Gasket
- Tank Adapter Spigot PVC with EPDM Gasket
- Tank Adapters CPVC New Style Special Reinforced (SR) Threaded with EPDM Gasket
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Special Reinforced (SR) Threaded with EPDM Gasket
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Special Reinforced (SR) Threaded with FKM GASKET
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Special Reinforced (SR) Threaded with Neoprene Gasket
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Standadrd with FKM Gaskets
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Standard with EPDM Gaskets
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Standard with FKM Gaskets
- Tank Adapters PVC New Style Standard with Neoprene Gaskets
- Union - Socket/Brass Fipt/FKM
- Wedge Saddle x Socket PVC White
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 12
- 14
- 16
- 18
- 20
- 24
- 1 Soc(1-1/2 MPT)
- 1(3/4)X3/4
- 1-1/2
- 1-1/2 & 1-1/4
- 1-1/2 Soc(2 MPT)
- 1-1/2X1
- 1-1/2X1-1/2X1
- 1-1/2X1-1/2X1-1/4
- 1-1/2X1-1/4
- 1-1/2X1-1/4X1
- 1-1/2X1-1/4X1-1/4
- 1-1/2X1-1/4X1/2
- 1-1/2X1-1/4X3/4
- 1-1/2X1/2
- 1-1/2X1/2X1-1/2
- 1-1/2X1/4
- 1-1/2X1/8
- 1-1/2X1X1-1/2
- 1-1/2X2
- 1-1/2X2-1/2
- 1-1/2X3/4
- 1-1/2X3/4X1-1/2
- 1-1/4
- 1-1/4 OR 1-1/2
- 1-1/4 Soc(2 MPT)
- 1-1/4X1
- 1-1/4X1-1/2
- 1-1/4X1-1/4X1
- 1-1/4X1/2
- 1-1/4X1/2X1-1/4
- 1-1/4X1/4
- 1-1/4X1X1
- 1-1/4X1X1-1/4
- 1-1/4X1X1/2
- 1-1/4X1X3/4
- 1-1/4X2
- 1-1/4X3/4
- 1-1/4X3/4X1-1/4
- 1/2
- 1/2 Soc(1 MPT)
- 1/2X1
- 1/2X1/4
- 1/2X1/8
- 1/2X3/4
- 1/2X3/8
- 1/4
- 1/4" Nozzle
- 1/4X1/8
- 10 - 5-1/2" EXT
- 100 DN X 4
- 10X1-1/2
- 10X10.200
- 10X12
- 10X14
- 10X16
- 10X2
- 10X2-1/2
- 10X3
- 10X4
- 10X5
- 10X6
- 10X8
- 110 d X 4
- 12 - 6-1/2" EXT
- 12X1-1/2
- 12X10
- 12X12.240
- 12X14
- 12X16
- 12X18
- 12X2
- 12X2 1/2
- 12X2-1/2
- 12X3
- 12X4
- 12X5
- 12X6
- 12X8
- 14 - 7-1/4" EXT
- 14X10
- 14X12
- 14X15.300
- 14X16
- 14X2
- 14X2-1/2
- 14X3
- 14X4
- 14X5
- 14X6
- 14X8
- 16 - 9" EXT
- 16 DN X 1/2
- 16X10
- 16X12
- 16X14
- 16X15.300
- 16X18
- 16X2
- 16X2-1/2
- 16X3
- 16X4
- 16X6
- 16X8
- 18 - 10" EXT
- 18X10
- 18X12
- 18X14
- 18X16
- 18X18.701
- 18X2
- 18X3
- 18X4
- 18X6
- 18X8
- 1X1-1/2
- 1X1-1/4
- 1X1-1/4X1
- 1X1/2
- 1X1/2X1
- 1X1/4
- 1X1/4X1
- 1X1/8
- 1X1X1/2
- 1X1X3/4
- 1X2
- 1X3/4
- 1X3/4X1
- 1X3/4X1/2
- 1X3/4X3/4
- 1X3/8
- 1X7/8
- 2 - 2" EXT
- 2 Soc(2-1/2 MPT)
- 2-1/2
- 2-1/2 - 2" EXT
- 2-1/2 Soc(3 MPT)
- 2-1/2X1
- 2-1/2X1-1/2
- 2-1/2X1-1/2 (2)
- 2-1/2X1-1/4
- 2-1/2X1/2
- 2-1/2X2
- 2-1/2X2 (2-1/2 Spigot)
- 2-1/2X2-1/2X2
- 2-1/2X3
- 2-1/2X3/4
- 2-1/2X3/4 (1)
- 2-1/2X4
- 20 DN X 3/4
- 20 d X 1/2
- 20 d X1/2
- 20X10
- 20X12
- 20X14
- 20X16
- 20X18
- 20X2
- 20X22.047
- 20X3
- 20X4
- 20X6
- 20X8
- 24X10
- 24X12
- 24X14
- 24X16
- 24X18
- 24X2
- 24X20
- 24X24.803
- 24X3
- 24X4
- 24X6
- 24X8
- 25 DN X 1
- 25 DN X1
- 25 d X 3/4
- 2X1
- 2X1-1/2
- 2X1-1/2 (2)
- 2X1-1/2X1
- 2X1-1/2X1-1/2
- 2X1-1/2X3/4
- 2X1-1/4
- 2X1/2
- 2X1/2X2
- 2X1/4
- 2X1X2
- 2X2-1/2
- 2X2X3/4
- 2X2X4
- 2X3
- 2X3/4
- 2X3/4 (1)
- 2X3/4X2
- 2X4
- 3 - 2-1/2" EXT
- 3"/80 nom.
- 3/4
- 3/4 Soc(1-1/4 MPT)
- 3/4X1
- 3/4X1/2
- 3/4X1/2X1/2
- 3/4X1/2X3/4
- 3/4X1/4
- 3/4X1/8
- 3/4X1X3/4
- 3/4X3/4
- 3/4X3/4X1
- 3/4X3/4X1/2
- 3/4X3/8
- 3/8
- 3/8" Nozzle
- 3/8X1/2
- 3/8X1/4
- 3/8X3/4
- 30 DN X 1-1/4
- 32 d X 1
- 32 d X1
- 32d X 1
- 3X1
- 3X1-1/2
- 3X1-1/2 (2)
- 3X1-1/4
- 3X1/2
- 3X1/2X3
- 3X1/4
- 3X1X3
- 3X2
- 3X2-1/2
- 3X3/4
- 3X3/4 (1)
- 3X3/4X3
- 3X4
- 3X6
- 4 - 2-58: EXT
- 4"/110 nom.
- 4-1/2
- 4-1/2X4
- 40 DN X 1-1/2
- 40 d X 1-1/4
- 4X1
- 4X1-1/2
- 4X1-1/2 (2)
- 4X1-1/4
- 4X1/2
- 4X1/2X4
- 4X1/4
- 4X1X4
- 4X2
- 4X2-1/2
- 4X3
- 4X3/4
- 4X3/4 (1)
- 4X3/4X4
- 4X6
- 4X8
- 50 DN X 2
- 50 d X 1-1/2
- 5X1-1/2
- 5X1-1/4
- 5X2
- 5X2-1/2
- 5X3
- 5X4
- 5X4-1/2
- 5X6
- 6 - 3-1/2 EXT
- 63 d X 2
- 6X1
- 6X1-1/2
- 6X1-1/2 (2)
- 6X1-1/4
- 6X1/2
- 6X1/2X6
- 6X1/4
- 6X10
- 6X12
- 6X1X6
- 6X2
- 6X2 1/2
- 6X2-1/2
- 6X3
- 6X3/4
- 6X3/4 (1)
- 6X3/4 (1))
- 6X3/4X6
- 6X4
- 6X4-1/2
- 6X5
- 6X6.140
- 6X8
- 7/16" Nozzle
- 75 DN X 3
- 8 - 5" EXT
- 8 X 1
- 8 X 2
- 8X1
- 8X1-1/2
- 8X1-1/2 (2)
- 8X1-1/2(2)
- 8X1-1/4
- 8X1/2
- 8X1/2X8
- 8X1/4
- 8X10
- 8X12
- 8X1X8
- 8X2
- 8X2 1/2
- 8X2-1/2
- 8X3
- 8X3/4
- 8X3/4 (1)
- 8X3/4X8
- 8X4
- 8X5
- 8X6
- 8X8.160
- 90 d X 3
- Gallon
- Set
- with 1/4" Nozzle
- with 3/8" Nozzle
- with 7/16" Nozzle
- Female Adapter - Reducing
- Male Adapter
- Male Adapter - Black
- Male Adapter - Clear
- Male Adapter - Gray
- Male Adapter - PVC Beige UVR
- Male Adapter - Reducing
- Male Adapter - Reducing - Black
- Male Adapter - Reducing - Gray
- Reducer (T.T) Bushing
- Reducer (T.T) Bushing - Gray
- Reducer Bushing - Black
- Reducer Bushing - Clear
- Reducer Bushing - PVC Beige UVR
- Reducer Bushing - Special Reinforced Flush Style
- Reducer Bushing Flush Style
- Reducer Bushing Flush Style - Gray
- Riser Extension
- 90° Ell - CPVC
- 90° Ell - PVC
- 90° Ell Reducing - CPVC
- 90° Ell Reducing - PVC
- 90° Side Outlet Ell - PVC
- Coupling - CPVC
- Coupling - PVC
- Coupling Reducer - PVC
- Cross - PVC
- Female Adapter - CPVC
- Female Adapter - PVC
- Female Adapter Reducing - PVC
- Female Adapter Special Reinforced - PVC
- Female Hose Adapter - PVC
- Gauge & Instrument Fittings
- Insert Adapter - PVC Gray
- Lay Flat Plug - PVC
- Male Adapter - CPVC
- Male Adapter - PVC
- Male Adapter Reducing - PVC
- Male Hose Adapter - PVC
- Male Hose Adapter Reducing - PVC
- PVC Beige Ultra Violet Resistant (UVR) Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Black Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Clear Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Compression
- PVC Gray Saddles
- PVC Gray Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Grey Hot-Tap Saddles
- PVC GripLoc™ Fittings
- PVC Repair Fittings
- PVC Schedule 40 Fittings
- PVC Schedule 80 Fittings
- PVC White Hot-Tap Saddles
- PVC White Saddles
- Pipe Flanges
- Plug - PVC
- Pool & Spa Fittings
- Pool Adapter - PP
- Pool Adapter - PVC
- Side Outlet Tee - PVC
- Spiral Barb 90° Ell - PP
- Spiral Barb Coupling - PVC
- Spiral Barb Male Adapter - PP
- Spiral Barb Tee - PVC
- Tee - CPVC
- Tee - PVC
- Tee Reducing - PVC
Plumbing plastic fittings are essential components that form connections between various pipes and tubing pieces. Pipe fittings provide secure and reliable connections in various installations. These connectors can be made out of a variety of materials, including resin, PVC, CPVC, and ABS plastic. These pipe fittings are corrosion-resistant and can be used with various liquids and gases.
Types of Plumbing Fittings We Offer
Plumbing PVC fittings come in many different types, sizes, and diameter options, including elbows, couplings, coupling reducers, female adapters, male adapters, PVC schedule 40 pipe fittings, PVC schedule 80 pipe fittings, pipe flanges, plugs, and tees. Each connector serves a different function and is necessary for connecting pieces of piping together to create an effective pipeline network. Depending on specifications, these pipe fittings can be used with metal and PVC pipes; our used in irrigation systems, sprinkler systems, drain waste, or even in pressure-sensitive compressed air applications.
What Are Our Best-Selling PVC Pipe Fittings?
At Midwest Supply Store our best-selling plastic plumbing fitting SKUs include 436-131 reducing male adapter, 437-488 reducing bushing spigot, and M412-010 90-degree elbow. These pipe fittings offer dependable performance under extreme temperatures and varying pressure parameters. Make sure to browse our stock for various pipe and fittings materials to find the best model for your system!
Browse Our PVC Fitting Stock at Midwest Supply Store
If you're looking for the perfect plumbing plastic fittings and PVC fittings for your project, look no further than Midwest Supply Store! We have a huge selection of high-quality products from leading manufacturers available at competitive prices. Our experienced staff is here to help you find the best solution for your needs. So why wait any longer? Shop now and get the items you need to complete your project today!
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