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2394879602 | Gas Valve Control | Bradford White
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Bradford White Gas Valve Control (SKU: 2394879602)
This Bradford White gas valve control is designed for use with M2TW50T F(BN,CX,SX) and M2TW65T F(BN,CX,SX) water heaters. It effectively controls the flow of gas to the water heater, ensuring efficient and safe operation.
Key Features:
* Compatibility with specific Bradford White water heater models
* Sturdy construction for reliable performance and longevity
* Precise control of gas flow for optimal heating
* Simple installation and maintenance procedures
* Ensures optimal gas supply to the water heater
* Enhances the safety and efficiency of water heating systems
* Facilitates convenient servicing and replacement
* Residential and commercial water heater systems
* Replacement or upgrade of existing gas valve controls
* Industrial and manufacturing facilities with water heating needs
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Gas Valve Control
Item Number | 2394879602 |
Brand | Bradford White |
Application | Water Heater |
Collection | Gas Control Valves |
Fuel | Propane |
Product Type | Control |
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