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2393892600 | Water Heater Stand Adjustable 16 Inch | Bradford White
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Details for 2393892600
Water Heater Stand Adjustable 16 Inch SPE-2393892600 [sku] by Bradford White is an adjustable water heater stand that provides support and stability for water heaters. It is made of durable materials and has a weight capacity of 500 lbs. The stand is easy to adjust to different heights, making it suitable for various applications. This stand is available in a 16-inch size, making it perfect for smaller spaces. Its compact design allows for easy installation and storage. The stand is corrosion-resistant and built to withstand harsh conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance. It is ideal for residential and commercial water heaters, offering a stable and secure base for optimal operation. Our trusted HVAC store is your one-stop shop for all your water heater needs!
Water Heater Stand Adjustable 16 Inch
Item Number | 2393892600 |
Brand | Bradford White |
Collection | Water Heater Parts |
Product Type | Adjustable |
Size | 16IN |
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