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2238204700 | Gasket Potentiometer | Bradford White
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Details for 2238204700
The Bradford White 2238204700 Gasket Potentiometer is a critical component for maintaining the proper functionality of gas electronic ignition systems in commercial water heaters. Crafted with a durable design and high-quality materials, this potentiometer ensures accurate temperature control and reliable ignition.
Featuring a rugged construction, the potentiometer can withstand the demanding conditions of commercial water heating applications, ensuring long-lasting performance. Its precise calibration allows for precise temperature adjustment, providing efficient and consistent hot water delivery.
Additionally, the 2238204700 potentiometer is easy to replace and maintain, minimizing downtime during servicing. Its compatibility with various Bradford White water heaters makes it a versatile solution for a wide range of models.
Upgrade your water heating system today with the Bradford White 2238204700 Gasket Potentiometer. Trust the experts at Our trusted HVAC store for the best prices and fast shipping on all your industrial and maintenance needs.
Gasket Potentiometer
Item Number | 2238204700 |
Brand | Bradford White |
Collection | Water Heater Parts |
Product Type | Potentiometer |
Used on | Commercial Gas Electronic Ignition |
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