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54532C | TD52 1" Thermodynamic Trap | Spirax-Sarco
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Details for 54532C
TD52 1" Thermodynamic Trap
Spirax-Sarco's TD52 1" Thermodynamic Trap is designed to automatically discharge condensate from steam systems under varying loads and pressures with no loss of live steam, minimizing energy waste.
Key Features and Benefits:
- High-capacity, with up to 6000 lb/hr condensate discharge capacity
- Wide operating pressure range of 3 to 1000 psig
- Compact size and lightweight, allowing for easy installation and maintenance
- Single moving part (the thermodynamic element) for reliable operation and long service life
- No external power required, making it suitable for remote locations
- Steam mains and headers
- Equipment requiring condensate removal, such as heat exchangers, steam traps, and process equipment
- In-line applications requiring condensate discharge
Contact our HVAC supply store today for the best prices and fast shipping on the Spirax-Sarco TD52 1" Thermodynamic Trap.
Item Number | 54532C |
Brand | Spirax-Sarco |
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