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54531C | TD52 3/4" Thermodynamic Trap | Spirax-Sarco
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Details for 54531C
TD52 3/4" Thermodynamic Trap: The Spirax-Sarco TD52 is a thermodynamic steam trap designed for continuous condensate discharge with zero steam loss.
Key Features:
- High discharge capacity
- Compact size
- Stainless steel construction
- Internal strainer
- Pressure range: 10 - 300 psig
- Temperature range: 32 - 662°F
- Improved steam system efficiency
- Reduced energy costs
- Increased production uptime
- Simplified maintenance
- Steam lines
- Heat exchangers
- Process equipment
- Boilers
Our HVAC supply store offers competitive prices and fast shipping on the Spirax-Sarco TD52 3/4" Thermodynamic Trap. Contact us today for a quote!
Item Number | 54531C |
Brand | Spirax-Sarco |
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